Over summer vacation I spent a lot of time practicing piano and struggling through music theory practice problems in order to pass a capstone exam. Through the years I've spent preparing for it, I've learned music history, from the Middle Ages to the 21st century; I've learned four-part writing, a technique used extensively by Bach in his chorales; I've learned how to analyze various types of compositions, ranging from fugues to twelve-tone works; and, of course, I have also focused heavily on improving my piano performance.
More important than the exam, through my meticulous and lengthy preparation, I have learned how to relentlessly pour time and care into a single craft to achieve a long-term goal. I will carry this ability with me into my engineering class, where I hope to build an efficient machine for the JPL competition.
Because I am a senior this year, I am looking forward to graduating! I am excited to navigate the world that exists outside of school.