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blog 5

I am most proud of the hangman program I made in a Computer Science Principles class. Although it was very basic, I become engrossed in the coding of the project and really enjoyed the process.

For incoming PLTW Academy seniors, I would recommend that they additionally choose classes that will further support them in their STEM career academically, such as high-level biology, chemistry, and physics. From my experience, this class is primarily meant to teach students about the design process and how to collaborate in groups. While this is essential to any career in STEM, I believe that a person must also have a strong math and science background in order to succeed. An engineer with strong social skills who lacks experience and knowledge will not succeed in the field; likewise, a very intelligent person who is not accustomed to collaboration and teamwork cannot succeed either.

To freshman interested in going on a PLTW path for the rest of their high school career, I would recommend for them to examine their true reasons for doing so. Many students tend to choose engineering as their intended career path due to its lucrative nature. But, the real question is, what do you want to do with the rest of your life? If that question can't be answered, then I believe a student should feel free to deeply explore all kinds of fields, including those traditionally not considered as financially rewarding. This is what I wish I knew before emarking on this process—that passion is always more fulfilling than prestige or wealth and, combined with continuous dedication, has the potential to simultaneously achieve said prestige and wealth. But as a newly minted (legal) adult, I can't help but feel like my time for exploration has expired, and that the path I set for myself is one I must continue to tread.

Next year, I plan to study computer science and math at Stanford University. CS, because that's where money is, of course—and math, because it's my favorite of the four letters. But I hope to continue playing piano and studying music theory and listening to good music in college and through life, because that's what I love to do.

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