I like the "Casita from Encanto" building because I enjoy the attention to decoration. The flowers on the gingerbread house are particularly impressive and add a pop of color to the brown gingerbread walls. I also like that the outside of the house is decorated with green to resemble the grass outside.
The other house that I like is the "ICC 'Elf-valuation' Service Certification Workshop". This building was different in that it shows a cross section of the structure. Many details of the interior are included, such as shelves and rocking chairs.
If I were on the committee, I would build the Taipei 101 building. Not only is it impressive to look at (it once was the tallest building in the world), but it also reminds me of happy memories visiting Taiwan with my mom. I could also include the iconic Taipei 101 mascot in a cross section of the building, like the ICC gingerbread house mentioned previously. Because the Taipei 101 is very tall, I would add candy canes to the structure to help reinforce the frame of the building. On the outside I would decorate it with small bits of licorice to resemble the windows of the building.